Father Matthew does a recap of our spiritual journey throughout the new ligurgical year. We prepared for four weeks during Advent, and then on December 25th we celebrated the highest point so far, followed by the Feast of the Holy Family. Today is the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. Before imitating the Holy Family we need to first be disciples of Jesus Christ. Mary said yes to the Angel Gabriel, and so we too, should renew our "yes" to Jesus by understanding the Nicene Creed and what we believe. It also means knowing the person we are saying yes to. We can read about Jesus in the New Testament, perhaps by reading one chapter daily. Mary not only showed us how to say yes, but she had a deep prayer life, and she treasured all of Jesus words and pondered them in her heart. We too can have a personal conversation with God. Good communication is essential in all relationships, and the ability to listen. Let's speak and listen to Christ regularly. There are may ways to pray. Even by listening quietly to God. This New Year, let's set up a routine to ponder God's words in our hearts. Mary was in tune with the Holy Spirit, and she was full of grace. We too are called to pray regularly so that we can be filled with the Holy Spirit. At the wedding feast of Cana, Mary teaches us to trust Jesus completely in our time of need. We can't expect things immediately, but the important thing to know is that God does act, and He will be there for us in the long run. We need patience and trust especially in times of suffering. Mary knew and allowed the suffering of her Son because she trusted and knew that there was some purpose to it. Let's resolve to trust God more with our life, and to be more like Mary. The homily ends with a scripture passage from Jermiah 29:11 and the Hail Mary prayer.