Walking With The Father: Baptism calls us to mission - Alpha introduced

January 13, 2019

Baptism calls us to mission - Alpha introduced

  • This weekend we celebrate the historic event of the baptism of Jesus. Two things should come to our minds: our identity and our mission. In our own baptism we became sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus, heirs to the kingdom of heaven, and our bodies became temples of the Holy Spirit. When we touch the holy water when entering church, it reminds of us of our baptism, and of our identities as loved children of God. We are redeemed by Jesus so that we may have eternal life. Baptism is the doorway into our life of faith, and we are forever changed, washed and forgiven. Like a married couple that hopes to grow as a family, God wants all people to grow in number, and to receive the gift of baptism. It gives us our identity and purpose in life. Our mission is to go and to make disciples of all people and nations, just as the Apostles did. The disciples before us taught about Jesus, and if we want people to follow Him, then we too must live out our mission, and to make new disciples among the people around us. Jesus commands us not to be satisfied, and not to be comfortable, but to go out there, and teach people everything that He taught us. Let's help others to come back to the faith, and let's introduce our faith to others who are not Catholic. The Alpha program is a tool that can help to welcome people to our parish family at St. Isidore. We know there are many people who no longer practice their faith, and so the Alpha program is the bridge between where these people are today, and where they could be tomorrow. Father Matthew calls upon parishoners to consider volunteering this coming fall to help make the Alpha program a success.