Walking With The Father: 2020

April 19, 2020

April 10, 2020

April 9, 2020

April 5, 2020

March 1, 2020

Archbishop Prendergast homily

  • Homily February 16th, 2020 at the 11 a.m. Mass

February 23, 2020

Be perfect therefore as your heavenly father is perfect

  • Be perfect therefore as your heavenly father is perfect (Mt 5 38-48)

February 16, 2020

I have come to fulfill the law (Matt 5 17-37)

  • It is not enough to just avoid bad actions.  Our thoughts, words, feelings, and desires are just as important. This teaching was very difficult for the disciples to hear, and it is also true for us. We are now accountable for our anger towards people, and for the things we say in our emails and phone calls. We are pushed to internalize the law in our minds and in our hearts. Even our imagination matters! This is a new step up in our accountability, and this teaching is a very difficult one to follow. Many would have thought that what Jesus was saying was changing everything, but He wasn't. He was fulfilling the law, and going deeper. Even though it is very difficult, blessed are those who walk in the law of the Lord.

February 9, 2020

Salt and Light (Matthew 5 13-16)

  • Salt and light: these are the two images that Jesus uses to teach us about who we are, and how we should live. What does salt do? It brings out the best flavours, it preserves food, and in Canada it melts the cold hard ice. The disciples, and you and I, are compared to salt as we are called to bring out the best in each other, to preserve and share the Gospel message, and to spread the love of Christ and melt the cold hardened hearts of unbelievers. Light should be put up on high on a lampstand to bring light and clarity to our homes. We shouldn't be shy about our faith. It should be like a light to fill our homes and our work places. The light also allows us to see where we are going, and to see the obstacles in our life, maybe even to avoid them if possible. You and I are called to share the light with others so that they too can see clearly, and see where God is leading us to. Light makes life better. Jesus, who is the light of the world, makes everyone's life better! God's light allows us to see clearly and to make it to our destination, to heaven. Let us try to be a light to others, and not hide our light under a bushel basket.

February 1, 2020

The 5 Love Languages

The 5 Love Languages

By: Gary Chapman

Falling in love is such a wonderful experience, and when you make the commitment to marry the person you’re in love with – you want it to last forever. This book is an essential resource for everyone in a relationship, whether you’re married, or you just want to know more about yourself – this book will certainly help you improve the quality of your relationships.

In this book Chapman identifies 5 different criteria that he describes as “love languages.” These criteria are how we best receive love from other people. Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch are the 5 love languages he identifies. There is a simple questionnaire / assessment survey in the book that helps you identify which “love language” you are more sensitive to. With this tool, the description of each “love language,” and the many short stories of individuals and couples will help you improve the quality of your most important relationships, and understand yourself better.

I give this book to couples preparing for marriage, or for couples coming to me for counseling. It’s great for young people discerning to take their relationship to the next level, and for couples married many years looking to go deeper in their relationship. Why not read this book with your significant other, and see how you can grow closer together by identifying, and then speaking, your partner’s love language?

January 26, 2020

Name tag weekends introduced

  • Names are important. They often have special meaning, and form part of our identity. Without using proper names, there is a vagueness. Names make all the difference. Imagine reading the Gospels without knowing the names of the Apostles. Loving our neighbour begins with knowing someone's name. Everyone's deepest desire is to be known and to be loved by others. At church, if we don't know someone's name, we will have something called anonymous Christianity, and we will remain strangers to each other. Father Matthew takes the time to encourage the parishoners to walk at least steps to mingle a little bit, and to meet at least one new person.

January 19, 2020

Here I am Lord I come to do your will

  • Father Matthew discusses how ordinary time in the Church calendar is dedicated to the Christian life of being a disciple. During the weeks of ordinary time, we learn how the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus calls us to conversion. We then discover the meaning of today's psalm.

January 12, 2020

Bishop Guy Desrochers' vocation story

  • Ottawa's new Auxiliary Bishop Guy Desrochers, shares his touching vocation story, beginning with a brief understanding of baptism and the "gift box", which we are given, and which we must open to reveal the gifts inside. One of these gifts is the gift of piety, in which we learn how to pray, and which enables us to have a personal relationship with God. The Auxiliary Bishop's vocation story begins when he was a rebellious fourteen year old with long hair in the 1970s, and how he had his first encounter with drugs. He left the Church, and stopped praying until his miraculous conversion.

January 5, 2020

The Epiphany leads us to gratitude (Mt 2 1-12)

  • Father Matthew describes the overwhelming gratitude that the wise men experienced when they found Jesus, and the great desire they had to give back.