Walking With The Father: Ephphatha - be opened (Mark 7 31-37)

September 9, 2018

Ephphatha - be opened (Mark 7 31-37)

  • After last week's homily about the sexual abuse crisis, today's homily is about the healing that Jesus brings. People begged Jesus to heal them. He listened, heard their prayers, and acted. Similarly, the Church is following the same steps in the need for healing of the abused victims. Jesus is responding to begin the healing process, and it will be in an unpredictable manner, just as Jesus healed the deaf man in the gospel. God does work in mysterious ways, and He will act for those we have prayed for. We prayer for the healing of our Church so that we too can have a fresh start, just like the deaf person. Let's recall our baptism, and be open to the Holy Spirit acting in us.